



The zbm-kcl utility allows review and manipulation of the org.zfsbootmenu:commandline property on ZFS filesystems or the .cmdline section encoded within ZFSBootMenu EFI executables. ZFSBootMenu reads the property org.zfsbootmenu:commandline, as set or inherited on each environment that it recognizes, to set the command line for the kernel that it boots. The ZFSBootMenu EFI executable reads its own .cmdline section to parse options that control the behavior of ZFSBootMenu itself.

The final argument is treated as a ZFS filesystem as long as one exists with the specified name. If a matching filesystem cannot be found, the argument is treated as an EFI executable. To force zbm-kcl to treat the final argument as a relative path to an EFI executable even when a ZFS filesystem exists with the same name, prefix the path with ./.

When neither a filesystem nor an EFI executable is specified, zbm-kcl will attempt to determine the root filesystem and operate on that.

If an EFI executable of - is specified, stdin will be read as an EFI executable.

With no options specified, zbm-kcl will print the current value of org.zfsbootmenu:commandline of the selected filesystem or the .cmdline section of the named EFI executable and exit.


-a argument

Append the value of argument to the kernel command line. The value of argument can be a simple variable name for Boolean arguments or may take the form var=value to provide a non-Boolean value. Multiple command-line arguments may be accumulated into a single argument. If the value of any variable value contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double quotes. In that case, surround the entire argument in single quotes to ensure that the double quotes are recorded in the property:

zbm-kcl -a 'variable="some argument with spaces"'

This argument may be repeated any number of times.

-r argument

Remove argument from the kernel command line. The value of argument can be a simple variable name, in which case all arguments of the form argument or argument=<arbitrary-value> will be stripped. Alternatively, a specific argument may be selected by specifying argument=<specific-value>.

This argument may be repeated any number of times.


All removal options are processed before any append options are processed, making it possible to replace an existing argument by combining removal and append options into a single invocation of zbm-kcl.


Open the contents of the command-line in an interactive editor. If the environment defines $EDITOR, that will be used; otherwise, vi will be used by default. After making changes as desired, overwrite the (temporary) file that was opened and quit the editor. The contents of the saved file will be written by zbm-kcl as the new command line.


Delete the command-line property.

For a ZFS filesystem, this is accomplished by calling

zfs inherit org.zfsbootmenu:commandline <filesystem>

to allow the boot environment to inherit any command-line property that may be defined by some parent.

For a ZFSBootMenu EFI executable, the .cmdline section will be stripped.

-o destination

Save the modified command line to destination rather than back to the original source. When the source is a ZFS filesystem, the destination must also be a valid ZFS filesystem. When the source is an EFI executable, the destination will be treated as a file; a special EFI destination of - will cause the file to be written to stdout.


Change the loglevel value on the currently booted environment by removing any existing value from the command line and appending the desired argument:

zbm-kcl -a loglevel=7 -r loglevel

Delete the entire command line from the zroot/ROOT/void boot environment, allowing it to inherit a command line set at zroot or zroot/ROOT if either of these defines a value:

zbm-kcl -d zroot/ROOT/void

Allow interactive editing of the command line on the zroot/ROOT filesystem, but save the resulting changes to zroot/ROOT/void rather than back to zroot/ROOT:

zbm-kcl -e -o zroot/ROOT/void zroot/ROOT

Review the current command line embedded in the EFI file /boot/efi/EFI/zfsbootmenu/zfsbootmenu.EFI:

zbm-kcl /boot/efi/EFI/zfsbootmenu/zfsbootmenu.EFI

Fetch the official ZFSBootMenu release EFI executable, customizing the menu timeout and saving the result to zfsbootmenu-custom.EFI:

curl -L https://get.zfsbootmenu.org/efi | \
  zbm-kcl -a zbm.timeout=15 -r zbm.timeout -o zfsbootmenu-slow.EFI -

